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Ancient Healthcare for the Modern Patient

Symptoms Treated

We have provided a small sample list. There are tens of thousands of symptoms not listed here. Contact one of our Asian Medicine Consultants for further details.

What is Traditional Asian Medicine

Over the last 6,000+ years Traditional Asian Medicine has been used by billions of patients worldwide to treat a number of symptoms and conditions. The three main branches are:

Traditional Japanese medicine known by its traditional name Kam Po or Kan Pō.Which literally means “method from the Han period (206 BCE to AD 220) of ancient China.”

While its roots date back to the classical period of China (206 BCE to AD 220), the diagnosis and treatment methods vary from its origins.

Many Japanese practitioners specialize in abdominal palpitation or ‘Hara’ diagnosis before employing various treatment modalities.

The treatment modalities include Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine and Massage known as Shiatsu.

Can you afford to stay in your

current condition?

The true cost is living with untreated health issues.